Beautiful pics of Alison Carroll and Alisha Wainwright feet and legs

Alisha Ena Wainwright, an American actress from America. Her work includes the lead roles in both the Freeform series Shadowhunters along with the Netflix series Raising Dion. Alisha Wainwright, born July 14, 1989, is an American Actress. Alisha Wainwright, is an American actor. Raising Dion (2018) and Shadowhunters were among her most acclaimed work. Born in Orlando, Florida. Wainwright is a native of Orlando, Florida. Alisha Naughton is a native of and raised in Vancouver. Her first screen appearance was at an early age, when she was featured in a Little Mommy commercial. In 2010, Alisha began her acting career in the television film The Wyoming Story. Alison Laura Carroll is an English model, gymnast and actress. From 2008 until 2010, she was the model for The Lara Croft video game. Between 2008 and 2010 she was the main model of the video game heroine Lara Croft. As well as being an accomplished actress and gymnast she has appeared in movies like the 2009 film Doghouse as well as 2011, which is Amsterdam Heavy. The former gymnast who represented Great Britain in The U.K. and studied musical theatre at Urdang Academy. The actress landed her Lara Croft modelling job in 2008 while working as a receptionist at a golf club. She was an instructor in gymnastics for a number of years and has choreographed routines which have been awarded the British National Championships. She established the Lightning School of Gymnastics in the year 2012.

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